
I never cease to be amazed

"In April, scientists from around the world met in Norway at the first international In Vitro Meat Symposium to discuss the potential for mass-producing lab-grown meat... Researchers predict that that, within a few years, meat could be grown in giant bioreactors for about $5,500 a ton... At about $3.50 a pound, that's less than what most consumers now pay for hamburger."

this is what I read last night in vegnews magazine before falling asleep. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares. this process is disgusting to think about - almost as disgusting as analyzing where real meat comes from.

it'd be good for the cows, of course, if meat was to be only grown in labs. better for the environment - more available land, more forests, less greenhouse gases, etc. but ew, it's going to take a lot of really amazing PR work for "franken-meat," as it was dubbed by l.a. times columnist patt morrison, to be a success consumer-wise.

also, as americans, we eat too much meat. this is hardly a point of debate. it's one of the main reasons that a lot of vegetarians and vegans choose to eat the way they do. lab-grown meat completely undermines the health aspect of being vegetarian.

and a side note: don't have ben and jerry's "lighten up" chocolate fudge brownie frozen yogurt for breakfast, especially when it's the last thing you ate before falling asleep.

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